Day 8: One Week Since Surgery

Definitely feeling better for the mash potato I consumed yesterday, but woke up with a lot more pain than usual. Keeping it under control with meds.

Went to cinema this morning while kids were at school to take advantage of my husband's last day off work. Was craving crunchy nachos with gloopy cheese sauce and jalapenos, but settled for an ice cream shake which was daylight robbery at £4.20!

Fired up the PC and worked all afternoon (being self employed means op or no op the work needs doing) and felt very normal.

Swelling: Subsiding a little
Bruising: Yellow
Pain: More today, from lying down maybe?
Tingling: Lots on chin
Numbness: I think I can feel a little more on my left cheek
Mood: Good, I feel quite back to normal


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