Day 10: Meh.

Felt a bit ropey again today to be honest. My mouth is still bleeding slightly and I feel a little low.

I had an Actimel, my meds, a coffee and a little later on a protein shake that was full of lots of healthy things like milled seeds, apple and cinnamon. The recipe looked AMAZING. The result wasn't that nice to be honest...

Had a lazy day not doing much, a few chores but that was it. After a slightly more energetic day yesterday I felt it was necessary.

Finished my antibiotics today, one less med to take. Still taking paracetamol and ibuprofen alternately and am now taking some heavy duty vitamins as I know my diet hasn't been providing enough of what I need.

I was desperately hungry today, probably due to yesterday's walk, and despite not wanting to aggravate my stitches I ate quite well. I had potato, carrot and swede mash watered down with pea and mint soup, mashed up cod in butter sauce (which as way too lumpy and I don't imagine the sodium content was that great) and a few helpings of chocolate custard.

My chin tingles are driving me insane but I'm trying to see them as a good thing. They are a sign that my nerves are repairing, so I'm putting them in the same category as when I was pregnant and being kept awake all night by a kicking baby: this is a good thing, embrace it.

Swelling: Slightly up from yesterday I think
Bruising: Yellow, but facial bruising slightly better
Pain: Sore mouth/gums
Tingling: Trying to see it as a good thing
Mood: Meh


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