Day 7: First Post-Op

Woke up at 3am as usual and just couldn't get back to sleep. Even after taking some paracetamol I was cold and uncomfortable. Eventually I got in my proper bed with my husband at 4am, lying down on my side *shock horror* and got 3 hours of blissful deep sleep.

Had my first post-op appointment this morning which went very well. They are really pleased with the alignment and overall progress and don't think that the hard lump in my cheek is anything other than swelling which is a relief, but just to make sure they gave me a few more days of antibiotics. 

They took the bands off the front hooks for the time being and told me to exercise my jaw a little to get movement back. Being given the 'all clear' to do this is going to make a big difference as not only do I now feel confident to move on to proper mashed food, but I can also take my meds in tablet form. I am much, much better with tablets, even giant ones, so this has made me very happy. My surgeon also said that although some people will tell me to sleep elevated in his opinion it was much better to get good quality sleep for healing, and if that means lying in a bed then that's OK, which I can totally relate to after my 3 hour sleep this morning.

I had a couple of different x-rays taken and a lovely friendly nurse ushered me into the lab quickly so I could see the before and after comparison which was very cool.

This afternoon my daughter had a dentist appointment so I walked into town and popped in with her to see my dentist and all the staff which was nice. Going to try and do a little walking every day because I think it'll help the circulation.

Swelling: Still there
Bruising: Very yellow, especially neck and chest I also have a big dark bruise on my *ahem* left boob
Pain: Not much, although will now be taking codeine at night to carry me through until morning.
Tingling: A bit on chin
Numbness: No feeling on lower part of face, I have to eat in front of a mirror to find my mouth!
Weight: 61kg
Mood: Upbeat


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