Day 6: Turning Point

Definitely felt much better today.

This morning my husband took my son to school and just as they left it started snowing. I lay on the sofa just watching it in the peaceful house and felt quite happy with the world. Husband then went and bought a beautiful Christmas tree and I started feeling really cosy and Christmasy.

My energy was up so I did a few little chores around the house, I slurped my soup, drank coffee, managed to take my meds without  gagging. All in all I felt pretty OK!

I even ventured in to the OUTSIDE WORLD tonight. We haven't really had a proper Christmas tree for a few years due to various renovations and such, and this year I was determined to do things properly. I was determined to put a proper tree up and get a whole load of beautiful new decorations so off I went with my daughter and husband to Homebase and Sainsbury's to face the public and buy sparkly things. I got a few funny looks and my husband was worried people would think he's beaten me but it wasn't to bad.

Swelling: Definitely no worse, although the hard mass in my cheek is bothering me. Am really hoping it's not an infection
Bruising: Starting to come out and all turn yellow
Pain: Minimal
Tingling: sight tingling on my chin
Numbness: Feeling in top lip, but nothing in bottom lip of chin. Left side more numb than right.
Mood: Much improved


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