Day 14: Second Post op

Had my 2nd post op appointment today and all went well. They are really very happy with the bite itself and how everything is healing up, the only slight concern they have is the lump in my cheek which is apparently a haematoma, i.e. a sac of blood. Yum.

Apparently it will start to soften as it dissolves and is absorbed, but if it gets any bigger or starts to hurt I need to call them. I've looked it up, they can be removed (drained) if they don't start to go on their own. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. They recommended light massage, and I read that heat compresses help too so I'll give it all a go.

No appointments now for 2 weeks which is a good thing.

I took a special detox bath last night to see if it would help with the swelling. Not sure it did anything to the swelling but I certainly slept very well. Also a stitch fell out last night, not sure where abouts in my mouth it came from but I'm expecting more....

Swelling: Still slowly going, apart from my haematoma, which is still solid.
Bruising: Barely noticable
Pain: None
Tingling: Yup
Numbness: Still annoying
Mood: Good


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