Day 4: Stuffy Nose
Sleeping upright is giving me a crick in my neck and stiff shoulders :( I wonder how long I have to wait before I can have a massage? Kids went back to school today so I had a nice calm house. Husband went off to gym and shops for a few hours and I took a lovely long bath which helped relax my aches and pains. Still can't stand the thought of protein shakes so slurped down a soup instead which was MUCH better and felt almost like proper food! It was just a normal fresh soup, but I blended it and diluted with some milk to give it a lovely sloppy consistency. I drank it like a cup of tea - classy. Still keeping up with the ice packs as much as I can. I bought three of them so I have a steady supply. My nose is annoying me, it's very blocked and trickles with blood a lot. Grim. I have had 3 operations to remove polyps over the years and it's reminding me of that, you can smell the blood in your nose but are told NOT TO BLOW. I have decongestant drops which help a l...
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