Spacer Bands

I had some spacer bands fitted today.

These are like very small blue elastic bands that are wedged in between my molars top and bottom that will make space for the metal bands that I am having fitted next week.

They were a bit tricky to get in as my teeth are rather crowded, but the good news is that because of the tight fit they are unlikely to get dislodged and swallowed. It feels a little odd, kind of rubbery when I bite down, but not uncomfortable as yet. It feels a little like I have stuff stuck between my teeth, which, essentially, I have! I imagine this is how meat eaters feel after eating spare ribs. I can tell they are doing something already as if I lightly tap my front teeth I can feel the vibrations in my back teeth very strongly. They aren't really noticable at this stage, unless I open wide and then it looks like I've been eating smurfs.

So next Friday I have these removed and the metal bands placed around my second to back molars, top and bottom, both sides.


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