What is jaw surgery?

OK, so it's time to start doing some research.

The orthodontist had explained that the actual surgery for my kind of underbite would involve removing a section of my lower jaw. Just a little bit on either side, at the back, to shorten the length.

Fixed braces would be required for a period before and after but these days they do not necessarily have to mean a mouth full of metal a la Ugly Betty! They are available in 'ceramic' (i.e. tooth colour) these days and can be quite subtle.

I got home and I started by Googling the terms 'underbite' and 'jaw surgery'. I found diagrams of the proceedure, all very interesting and all that, but the most useful information I found were numerous before and after photos, and some excellent YouTube video diaries.
It looks like the post-op liquid diet could be a little hard to cope with, the thought of not being able to eat solid food is a little scary (no chocolate? OMG!) but I think I can handle that. May have to bulk up a bit before hand - hahaha.

So armed with all this information I took the plunge and booked the appointment at the hospital.....


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