
Showing posts from May, 2012

That's more like it!

Well today's appointment was a very different experience to two weeks ago! First off the consultant told me that she would be dealing with my treatment from now on. This is brilliant news as she is a) very senior and experienced and b) I have had some dealings with her before so she is familiar with my case. Interestingly enough my notes showed no record of the appointment a few weeks back which proves that something went very wrong that day. So let's just pretend it didn't happen and move forward.... I started by asking her a few questions that my dentist had asked. Firstly, will I need extractions on the bottom jaw? Answer: No. Secondly, was the loss of cement around my back molar band cause for concern as it is a potential food trap? Answer: Yes, more cement promptly installed. There. That was easy, wasn't it? On with the adjustment. The powerchain fitted a few weeks back had already served it's purpose so off it came. Off came my archwire so it could be n...

Braces/Jaw Surgery Vlog 8 - Week 126 Update



I'm not happy. About 6 weeks ago I saw my Orthodontist and he told me that he was leaving. I was a bit upset at this news, apart from the fact he was a nice chap, he also had been with me from the start, always kept me informed as to what the next stage was, and more recently always squeezed me in for an adjustment every 4 weeks. Oh well, life goes on. A few weeks ago I had an adjustment booked, and was quite keen to meet the new person who would be looking after me. I am still really desperate to put some sort of time scale to the op; being self employed means that I will have to put suitable measures in place to make sure I don't miss deadlines, and childcare is always a big issue. I felt pretty optimistic..... First minor annoyance was that I had to wait for AGES. This was only annoying because I have been going for appointments for quite a while now, have never had to wait 45 mins before. I occasionally take my kids with me, frequently the appointments are just befo...