That's more like it!

Well today's appointment was a very different experience to two weeks ago! First off the consultant told me that she would be dealing with my treatment from now on. This is brilliant news as she is a) very senior and experienced and b) I have had some dealings with her before so she is familiar with my case. Interestingly enough my notes showed no record of the appointment a few weeks back which proves that something went very wrong that day. So let's just pretend it didn't happen and move forward.... I started by asking her a few questions that my dentist had asked. Firstly, will I need extractions on the bottom jaw? Answer: No. Secondly, was the loss of cement around my back molar band cause for concern as it is a potential food trap? Answer: Yes, more cement promptly installed. There. That was easy, wasn't it? On with the adjustment. The powerchain fitted a few weeks back had already served it's purpose so off it came. Off came my archwire so it could be n...